We are dedicated to partnering with our Founders on their journey to build


Successful Investments


Years of Excellence


Offices across 3 Countries

  • 2016

    - Iron Pillar Founded

    - Launched Mumbai, Bangalore and Palo Alto offices

  • 2018

    Closed Fund I

  • 2019

    Formed Iron Pillar Network

  • 2020

    - Launched Dubai Office

    - Closed first Top Up Fund

  • 2022

    Closed Global Cloud Fund II

  • 2023

    Expanded Bangalore Office

Message from our Founding Partners

From the moment we embarked on this journey, our vision was clear: to empower exceptional entrepreneurs and catalyze their growth aspirations on the global stage. We have walked down the entrepreneurial road ourselves, understanding the passion and dreams that drive innovators.

Iron Pillar is not just an investor; it's a partnership driven by our steadfast belief in the transformative power of ideas. We also understand that the path of visionary companies is not just "up and to the right". We have faced our own highs and lows, and we are committed to standing by our founders throughout their twists and turns.

Our commitment goes beyond capital. We are believers, supporters and partners in the trenches with our portfolio companies, offering experience, insights and a network that spans continents.

The journey will not always be easy, but with grit, perseverance and the right partners alongside, it's worth every step.

Here's to chasing dreams, embracing challenges and building the future together.

With enthusiasm,


We strongly believe that identifying the risks and opportunities arising from ESG matters early on can be a competitive advantage in the long run for our portfolio companies.

All investments are screened against the exclusions lists of the U.S. Development Finance Corporation, International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) and European Development Finance Institutions.

We invest in Category B or Category C companies as per IFC classification.

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© 2023 Iron Pillar